Hi I am a very GC Gold Coast local. I am an aspiring writer and would like to welcome you to my platform to showcase my work, I hope it makes you laugh, think and provides a great waste of time. Enjoy
Sunday, July 31, 2011
The love of my life
I booked my dog in for a doggy glamour shot. Yup I am THAT person. I am a 20-somthing professional with no children – my dog is the love of my life. My family has always had dogs but Harley is MY first dog. I chose where he would come from, picked him out and paid for him. I went through the sleepless nights as he adjusted to life without his doggy mummy and bonded with human mummy, we have cuddled as boys have come and gone and enjoyed Saturday ice creams in the park – he is my other half and my true soul mate. He knows when I want to laugh and when I need a shoulder to cry on. I wouldn’t be me without him. Yes I am THAT kind of person – scream it from the roof tops – OBSESSED with my dog.
I can't describe the love I have for Harley and the connection we share. When I am without him I don't feel whole - he lights me up and centers me. He inspires me spiritually and educates me on living life full of grace. We lean on each other and seek solace in our bond. He is my protector, best friend and child.
After saying all this, I am actually leaving Harley for some time to live in London (don't worry he will still be at home with mum and dad). It will break my heart saying good-bye but it is an adventure I must do. I decided I wanted to get some truly amazing shots of my boy to take with me on my journey and contacted Diana from K9 Photography.
Harley was a complete diva for one who hasn’t even cracked the modelling industry yet, but with a face like his it was hard to get a bad shot.
God I love him and thank God everyday for bringing us together.
Thursday, July 28, 2011
Don't act like you don't!
I somehow failed to acquire the complete facets of these big kid qualities, frequently feeling like the odd one out, when I know everyone is simply lying to save face. This isn’t Japan people!
So I decided to compose a list of the top five lies we ALL tell to look like we are actually really really good people. So what do YOU lie about everyday:
- Flossing. I went to the dentist and was told I need to floss. I went to work the next day to breach this topic, thinking we would all rise up in unison and agree it is just all in the too hard basket to play our teeth like violins each day. I was met with the following backlash “oh my god you don’t floss everyday!” Stop joking around, I know none of you without braces floss everyday – stop the lies!
- Washing hands. I refuse to believe that in the comfort of one’s own home everyone washes their hands after number ones. Not possible.
- Nose picking. Don’t act like you don’t pick your nose. Just stop it now, you stick your fingers in every other hole don’t pretend this one is a prude.
- Peeing in the shower. Seinfeld brought this age old debate to light. “I saw a drain!” “Different pipes go to different places!” While Elaine is right, a little watered down wee is fine, it is basically cancelled out by all the soap you’re lathering up with. I know you wee wee in there.
- Wipe and throw. Ewww I don’t wipe my bum then look at it! Yes you do. Human’s are like my dog Harley – he knows his poo is gross and embarrassing but he always goes back for a peek! You poo peek.
The biggest lies, as you may have noticed, centre around bodily functions because we are all pretty embarrassed by what our bodies leak, secrete, seep and project.
So stop pretending you don't do these things...I know you smell your farts.
Monday, July 18, 2011
Doctor Harry starts my Monday
OH MY GOLDEN RETRIEVER IT'S DOCTOR HARRY! Yes THE Dr.Harry sent out a hi to not just me but the love of my life, my German Shepard Harley. Jealous?
Clips to make your week
Sunday, July 10, 2011
Me as a vegan?

Wednesday, June 8, 2011
High Brow

Being blessed (this word has changed from cursed in my later years) with thick, black eyebrows I have been able to hone my talent on this completely necessary yet practically useless strips of hair. Eyes may be the window to your soul but a window is not a window without a frame and the eyebrows are the all important frame.
While i go BANANAS for eyebrows so many girls do not and it gives me eyebrow grief. A girl can be transformed with a good shape and shadow of the brow. Don’t believe me? Check out these babes who all have a dirty little secret – they all once had ICKY ICKY poo thin, unshaped eyebrows.
Example A: Jennifer Hawkins

Before she was crowned Miss Myer and ohh Miss Universe she was just another GC Miss Indy contestant who was channeling Pamela Anderson in the brows department. Now she exudes high glamour with her perfectly shaped and shaded brows (tip: JH does not have naturally thick brows she thickens them with shadow, you can should do this now!)
Example B: Lauren Conrad
From the beach to the hills was all it took for LC to realise she look HORRIFIC with those brows and made them red carpet ready.
Example C: Megan Fox

Mega babe was once mega travesty with her too thin brows that removed her sex-pot status with each tweeze.
Be realistic about your brow shape. While you may lust after Brooke Shields circa Blue Lagoon that style may be aiming a little too high. Look at celebrities with similar eyebrows to you and check them out. Also while the yummy bushy look is very much in decide whether it will work for you. A groomed brow suits all but a fashion forward bush on the brow does not. You must have an extremely beautiful face to do so – hence why it is generally reserved for models. But props for trying! I suggest looking for inspiration from my brow-babe Camille Belle.

Step 2: Holding pen still at the corner of your nose tilt on an angle until it crosses your iris (looking forward) this is the HIGHEST point of the brow
Step three: Tilt pen even further from the corner of your nose until it reaches the end of your eye, this is where your brow ENDS
NOW when you know the rules you can break them. For a dramatic look extending the brow line even further is EPIC GLAM and was used by dames such as Liz Taylor and Marilyn Monroe.
So PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE pay attention to your brows - they will make your face SOOOO MUCH BETTER! The moment you do you will wonder how you went all those years not looking your best! Shaping your brow will make you look younger, more rested and HOTTER. It's the affordable face lift and the accessible make over.
Shape, shadow and love your brows today.
Friday, June 3, 2011
Monday, May 30, 2011
As you sleep he suffers
Sunday, May 29, 2011
Cutie Pie Clip of the Day
The Barbie Girl World

So at what point will decide to stop wasting time worrying about how you look and worry about how you feel?
Harry Potter in one word
My first bad boy crush: A dedication

Wednesday, May 25, 2011
The funny thing about cats
It's a period, not a vitamin B shot

Wednesday, March 30, 2011
If you have a vagina it is offensive!
Friday, March 18, 2011
Hey America! Don't be hating
HOLD THE PHONE - they are either gay or play gay characters - HOW DARE THEY!
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
I found him, Mr.Wedge

Tuesday, March 15, 2011
You're not in a reality show

I believe I live two vastly different lives. One in my head and one in the real world. The life in my head is somewhat how I picture a reality show would be, dramatic, awkward long pauses, full make in the day and little to no actual work done. Oh and I wear the most beyond attire.