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Saturday, July 14, 2012

That day.

Her youth burned in her eyes that steamy Christmas morning.
Who knew such a simple thing would ignite the nostalgia she craved.
Her face glowed with a sheen not caused by the hands of summer; her innocence had been uncovered if only for a few minutes.
Life stopped and all I saw was her gliding into the days of childlike hope with such fluidity.
That scooter was the key to her soul.
She too was young once but it took a trip down my driveway to reveal that glimmer in her eyes that had been clouded by living.
My grandmother that day - a perpetual child aged only by her body.

Reality bites

I had a dream about you last night. It seemed so real. I could see the lines around your eyes as you smiled and could feel your stubble under my hands. Seeing you smile made me feel me again. It wasn’t a dream in the past, it was of today’s present. We forgave and moved on into an uncertain maybe future. We touched the way we did the first time, full of excitement and promise of more moments. I felt home again.

Then I woke up. 

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

It's a girl.

 I used to wish for boys. For god to bless me with beautiful, healthy boys when that time came when I was ready to forgot about my selfish desires and commit to the innocence of my own child.

I now pray for girls.

I pray for one of the 200 million missing girls in the world today. The souls of those killed in today’s modern genocide or gendercide. Today, India and China abort or kill more female foetuses and babies than the total number of girls born in America.

An entire gender in various countries is being exterminated. Strangled, choked, tossed, dumped, aborted, abandoned, drowned and tortured. The gendercide is the modern day holocaust yet we have failed to act, instead we turn a blind eye to established countries decision to treat girls as sick cattle.

“It’s a girl” has been branded by the movie sharing the same name as the three deadliest words in the world.
Woman are the ones that complete 66% of the world’s work and in developing worlds they do 60-80% of the farming. Girls, as Beyonce said to a beat, run the world....yet only if given the chance to let their heart beat.

I pray for the castoff girls. The ones that gasped for air only to have it cut off by their own family. The ones seen only as a dowry burden or a shame on the family name.

Give me girls. Give me the forgotten girls.

A baby girl is not a problem. She is not a burden. She is a hope for tomorrow.