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Monday, November 15, 2010

A tale with no ending

The tale of two young lovers is both luminous and painful. We all hide our first love deep within our souls. The heart crushes when we realise the feeling of youthful optimism dies and the perseverance to sustain the passion of true love is replaced with other checklists. It no longer becomes a love of two hearts but of bank balances or ability to conceive.

Painfully, uninhibited love, free of expectations and games seizes when we grow up and in our adult years we retort to childish ways when it comes to love and war. We all have our stories of the one love that could never survive in the realms of adult reality.

The meeting was nothing unusual but your effect was. Overwhelming and intoxicating your stare consumed me. It would have been poetic had I contained my composure but teenage hormones do not allow for such discreet reactions. You spoke and my heart choked. A burning fire raged inside me. You said your name was Tom, I asked about your accent, we laughed and the start of the love story began.

The bus was our time together. Your arms held me time as the rain slipped like honey down the windows. It started to fog inside and we wrote our love for each other on the screen. We thought it would last forever, but ‘TOM ELLA 4EVA’ was already starting to fade as the school grounds came into view.

We had about five minutes of uninterrupted bliss before the stares begun. My hand entwined in his and his smile wrapped me in safety. We were kidding ourselves if we thought this could last. But living in this blissful ignorance was all I could handle right now. Before we headed round the corner, before everything would change, I searched his eyes for hope, for hope we could make it. They were blank.

Our hands unhinged like strangers and he was gone. I watched him swagger to his side as I slowly walked to my area with shame. People suspected but no one said anything. Their stares said it all, their disgust, their loathing but they smiled at me and asked about my daddy and I told them about his where about’s and enquired about their daddy. We both hid our utter repulsion under sharp tongues and unfocused eyes.

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