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Friday, March 18, 2011

Hey America! Don't be hating

Ok so what do these images below all have in common? Yes all fierce poses but no not quite that.

HOLD THE PHONE - they are either gay or play gay characters - HOW DARE THEY!

Open your eyes America the people you laugh along with on TV, giggle at their witty blogs and drink the wisdom they offer with their news broadcasts love the peen!


Now I'm sure your argument is "i love gays they are great - i even have a friend that's gay - but i just don't want to see that." Oh the old my friend is gay line. Kind of like the "No offence, but." No amount of cushion is hiding the fact 'you a homophobe!'

Now I wish I could tell people to stop their ways if it made me uncomfortable - their would be no male spitting, no girls in denim skits, no goth outfits, no red necks, no people that say you's, no Kanye West CAP use and no couples licking each others faces (icky icky poo) but oh that's right, i can't tell someone how to live their lives, what choices they make, how to express their love, what clothes to wear or what bodily functions to control.

Because there is this little thing called - human rights - the belief that all individuals have equal rights, equal opportunity, fair treatments and the right to live free of discrimination.

So suck it up America - stop putting "safety shields" in front of Elton John & his family -- seriously you let your child watch Jersey Shore where people drink, beat on each other and sleep with randoms, but god forbid they see a happy family!

You happily watch the Kardashian's swear and wax each others va-jay-jay but no you are not prepared to see two guys kissing in a club!

While you may not feel comfortable seeing two men in love or two men kissing, that's ok, but don't stop them from being who they want to be. Let them stand proud. Do I feel totally comfortable when I see two men kissing? No - because this natural relationship is hidden away from us, we don't see it on the TV, in the news, in the magazines or on the street. The more you see it as completely normal the more comfortable you will be, none of us were comfortable with Demi & Ashton getting it on but they have flooded the media and now we cool with it.

Oh and to open another can of worms - God loves all his children and if you don't that's your problem, God doesn't ask you to spread hate, but to spread love - He asks you to love thy neighbor, and that includes your sassy queen across the hall.

Oh and before you get your panties in a twist - Ellen's GAY!

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